Khutba about ‘ Etiquette’s and its Importance’
Yousuf Saleh 12th April 2013
All Praise is due to Allah (swt) who is the Sustainer of all the Universe. May the peace and
blessings of Allah (swt) be upon Muhammad (saws), his family, his companions and all those who
follow him in righteousness until the day of resurrection? Amma Bad.
Respected brothers and sisters at home, and my dear young brothers. Today’s khutba is about:
Etiquettes and its importance:
Etiquette means the Rules of correct and polite behaviour in society.
Allah (swt) said in Quran CH-2: VE-138. ‘Allah (swt) has coloured us. Who can colour better than
Allah (swt)? And we are His worshippers.’ So, what is the ‘colour’ of Allah (swt)? The colour of
Allah (swt) is Islam. And the colours of Islam areEtiquettes and manners. This colour of Islam
differentiates between Muslims and non-Muslims, the pious and the sinners, the superior andthe
inferior, theeducated and ignorant, everything is apparent through this colour.
So Adab oretiquette is one of the most important aspects of a Muslim’s life, because it represents
his or her deen. The great scholar of ahadeeth Imam Ibn al Mubarak said, ’I studied Adab etiquette
for thirty years and I studied knowledge for twenty years.
Respected brothers and sisters at home, Parents should train their children to ensure love for Islam,
love for Allah (swt), love for the Prophet (saw), love for their parents, love for their teachers and
love for their community.
Respectful behaviour is extremely important in Islam - respect for parents, grandparents and other
relatives, elders, teachers, Muslims, and human beings in general. However, we are living in an
environment in which lack of respect - for others and for themselves - seems to be a hallmark of the
young generation. Unfortunately, this normal attitude of disrespect often carries over even into
Some children speak of Allah (swt) without the proper respect and even treat the Holy Qur'an with
disrespect. Generally acting offhand toward religion is not acceptable behaviour. A parent does not
need to be harsh or mean about this, but merely be firm and consistent in not allowing disrespectful
behaviour. I would like to mention some important etiquettes for seeking knowledge that the seeker
of knowledge should follow. Which need to be addressed.
The relationship between Teacher and Student:
The relationship between teacher and student should be based on mutual love and respect. A teacher
should treat his students as his own sons, and the student should consider his teacher as his own
father. The teacher should have the compassion and sympathy to his student like his own children.
The bond ship between teacher and student remains until the last day.
In this regard, the student should exchange utmost respect and love within Islamic principles.
Knowledge cannot be gained only from books; students must also have a teacher whom they trust to
open the door to knowledge and keep them from making mistakes.
So they must have good manners towards him, for this is the way to success, learning and strength.
So they must honour, respect and be polite to the teacher.
Observing the utmost standards of etiquette when they sit with their teacher and speak with him.
They should Ask questions in a proper manner and listen attentively. They should be polite when
studying the book with him and should not try to argue or compete with him. They should not
initiate conversation with him, or walk ahead of him, or speak too much in his presence, or interrupt
when he is teaching.
Students should not try to put him/her to any trouble. He should find ways and means to get his
rights without hurting his teacher. Mutual understanding and tolerance are highly recommended in
this case. This principle should be maintained to a non-Muslim teacher as well. Unless he or she
does not teach the student something which contradicts Islam. If they do so, avoid their teachings
without insulting and disrespecting them. Islam calls upon teachers to be fair and honest. The
teacher has to be a model to be followed. He should do not do injustice to his students. If he did so,
he would certainly face dire consequences on the day of judgment.
Etiquette of the Seeker of Knowledge:
Seeking knowledge is a key to gaining Allah’s pleasure in the Hereafter. Mu`adh ibn Jabal (RA)
said, "Seek knowledge, for seeking it for the sake of Allah (swt) is a sign of consciousness of Allah
(swt); acquiring it is an act of worship; studying it is a glorification of Allah (swt); and searching for
it is a kind of jihad, striving in the way of Allah’ (swt)…"
The student should start with purifying his own soul, and with pure intention. Andsteering clear of
evil manners.
Searching knowledge is the worship of the heart. He should dedicate his life to seeking knowledge.
Be careful of showing off and trying to be superior to your nobles. In a hadith reported by Imam An
Nasai, The Prophet (saw) said: “Whoever seeks knowledge in order to compete with the scholars or
to prove himself superior to the ignorant or to make the people look up to him, Allah will cause him
to enter Hell.”
So, the conclusion is, you have to be pure both outwardly and inwardly from every major and minor
Number three action point is: To be patient and determined:
Seeking knowledge is one of the highest of discoveries andits heights cannot be ascended except by
working hard and patiently.
So be patient and persist. If Jihad requires an hour of patience, then the seeker of knowledge must
be patient until the end of his life. One can achieve anything effortlessly, but knowledge cannot be
attained without enduring hardship.
Number four action point is: To Make the best use of time:
Spend the most of your youth and your whole life in learning. Do not be deceived by
procrastination and wishful thinking about the future. Every hour of your life that passes cannot be
Do away with whatever you can of distractions and obstacles that prevent you from striving your
utmost to attain knowledge. This is why the salaf (righteous predecessors) encouraged keeping away from one’s family and keeping a distance from one’s homeland. Because when a person is
distracted he will not be able to understand facts of knowledge and delicate issues.
Allah (swt) has not given man two hearts in his chest, and similarly it is said that knowledge will
not give you a part of it until you give it your all.
Make the most of your time, when you are free and when you are busy. Make the most of your
youth when your mind is fresh and you have less distractions, before you become distracted by
false ambitions and the desire for worldly possessions.
My dear young brothers, please remember all the khutbas, which I dedicated to you. Please try to be
smart, righteous, and knowledgeable Muslims. Be a crown of your community. And of course we
are always proud of you, when we compare with other communities.
And do not forget to start Salatul Jumua in your school.
May Allah bless you all, and protect you from all the obstacles.