Khutba about ‘ Hajj’3
Yousuf Saleh - 23rd August 2013
All Praise is due to Allah (swt) who is the Sustainers of all the Universe.
May the peace and blessings of Allah (swt) be upon Muhammad (saws),
his family, his companions and all those who follow him in righteousness
until the day of resurrection. Amma Bad.
Respected brothers and sisters at home, we have been talking about
’The obligation and the merits of Hajj’
As you all know Allah (swt) created us to worship Him only. And worship
has to be according to the teachings of His Prophet harmony to Quran
and Sunnah. And one has to carry out his duty with a pure intention,
solely for Allah (swt). There is no part from anyone or anything else. Allh
(swt) said in Quran, Ch-2. Ve-42: Do not mix the Haqq that means the
truth which I have revealed with lies and do not knowingly conceal the
So, brothers and sisters at home, when one makes pure intention and
does Ibadah how Allah (swt) has prescribed, in this way, both body and
soul combine in worshipping Allah (swt). Only this type of worship
reaches to Allah (swt), nothing else.
When we Muslims visit the Ka’ba we fight to touch the ghilaf cover of
Ka’ba, we do Jihad to kiss the black stone to wipe out our sins while we
talking with our mobiles, we are busy to take pictures etc. after
performing Hajj then if people don’t write Al Haj Or Haji before my name I
become sad and some cases I am so angry.
We need to realise and ponder over the purpose of Hajj.
Respected brothers and sisters at home, When anyone goes to another’s
house he visits the owner of the house, not the house merely. When respect is shown to a king or a righteous man, it is not the throne or the
place that is respected. If one shows his utmost respect to the owner of
the house as he valued everything of Him. In contrast if one respects the
house or the throne only, forgetting the owner of the house it is same as
many other places in the world people visit every day. This is what Allah
(swt) mentioned in Suratul Quraysh Ch-106‘They ought to worship the
Rabb of this house’ the Rabb of Ka’ba’.
Respected brothers and sisters at home, In our society many muslims
seem very careless to comply their obligatory Hajj, on the other hand
many give the impression to perform on Nafl Hajj like Fard hajj. In the
present the Muslims of the world are suffering and going astray much
more than any other times. Most of the Muslims of the world are
deprived knowingly or unknowingly from the basic knowledge of Islam.
Consequently, today a large part of the Muslims of the world standing
unfortunately against the teachings of Islam. It is the duty of every
practicing Muslims to promote and convey the message of Islam and to
spend their wealth in this prophetic cause and save the destitute muslims
in the world. Here I would like give a picture with a story on this.
The story involves a great Imam known as Abdullah Bin Al-Mubarak
rahimahullah. He was a man who made so much money, yet never had to
pay zakah because he would donate the money to so many different
causes. He even sponsored six of some of the most noble scholars of his
time, and their names are Sufyan Ath-Thawri, Sufyan bin `Uyayna,
Hammad Ibn Zaid, Hammad Ibn Salama, Isma`eel Ibn `Ulayya, and AlFudayl Ibn `yaad.
Hazrat Abdullah bin Mubarak RAH was an Imam, Faqih, Muhaddis,
andMujahid. He was probably born in the beginning of the second
century – Hijri. He is also a student of Imam Abu Hanifah RAH. Abdullah
bin Mubarak was born in Khurasan, but later on he migrated to Baghdad
and settled there.
Once he was going a Hajj journey with a Caravan. On the way a hen of a
member of the caravan died. They threw away the dead hen on the
dump. Hazrat Abdullah bin Mubarak, was coming behind the caravan. He
saw that a girl from the neighboring village came out, rushed to the dead
hen, wrapped it with a cloth and took it home quietly and quickly. Hazrat
Abdullah bin Mubarak, was observing all this and was at a loss to
understand what the girl would do with that dead hen.
Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mubarak, followed that girl to her house. He asked
her who she was and what she was going to do with that dead hen. The
girl said to Hazrat Abdullah Mubarak, I am an orphan girl and my mother
is a widow. Today there is nothing in the house to eat. For many days we
have been passing in such wretched state, in which the Shariah has
made it lawful for us to eat dead meat. Thus, we keep ourselves alive by
picking up from this heap dead animals.
Hearing this Hazrat AbduIlah bin Mubarak’s heart was awfully shocked.
He thought what a misfortunethat these servants of Allah are living on
the meat of dead animals and he was going on the Hajj ! he inquired from
his assistant about the money with him. The assistant replied that it was
perhaps two thousand Dinars. He asked him that after deducting twenty
Dinars for their Journey back home he should hand over the entire money
to that girl. He would not go on the Hajj that year.
Abdullah bin mubarak said after Hajj I was so amazed that whenever I
met any of the returning hujjaaj and wished them by saying a ‘ ha
maqbool’ they would wish me the same. Then, when I said anything
further, they would remind me about having met me at such and such a
place. I could not understand this. That night I saw a dream, wherein the
Prophet (saw) said to me: O son of Mubarak, there is no need to be
astonished. You have assisted a distressed one from among my Ummah,
whereupon I begged to Allah (swt) to appoint one such an angel to
perform hajj on your behalf until Qiamah. Allah (swt) has grunted the
reward for him for helping the poor family of the girl, it is much more
than the reward for nafl Hajj.
Respected brothers and sisters at home, the obligatory Hajj has more
priority over anything else, as it is one fifth of Islam, and it is more
important than helping your son getting married, helping other people, or
paying Sadaqah etc. But it has been said as regard of the Nafelah Hajj:
paying its expenses as Sadaqh is more useful in recent times when
people’s need for money to save their deen and basic needs.
For example Look at the situation of our brothers in Palestine whose
houses were wrecked, no power, no gas, no food and medicine. The same
situation in sirya Iraq, and in many other Muslim countries. What about
Bangladesh. Over 7,000 children under five years old die annually from
poor water and sanitation in Bangladesh.
Imam Ahmad was asked once: Should I perform Nafelah Hajj or help
destituteinstead? Imam Ahmad, answered: “If they are in dire need for
your help, it will be dearer to Allah.”
May Allah (swt) give us thawfic to understand the real nature of Islam
and to comply our duty accordingly instead of following our own desire.