The blessing of stability
Yousuf Saleh - 24th March 2017
Respected brothers and sisters.
Today’s khutba is about “The blessing of stability”
We are living here in a multi- faith and multi-cultural Society. We have made
our residential place here being a qualified citizen of this country. Britain is the
homeland to the second, to the thirdand now the fourth generation. We are
enjoying here many fundamental ethics and values presentin the British
society many of them are combined in Islamic tenets too.
For instance, its democratic traditions, equality, honesty, fair dealing,
punctuality and good manners, helping others, etc.
We are living here with our non-Muslim neighbours peacefully and Muslims
are contributing to the well-being of this society constantly.As good citizenswe
are obliged to abide by the laws of this country.
We want to live in a peaceful andfair dealing society which is why we have
migrated here. Mostly, due to the absence of these two necessities in our
homelandswe have been driven to migrate here.
That is why our sacrifice illustrates the priceless cost and devotion we have
made for these two values.
Respected brothers and sisters at home; it is everyone’s duty and responsibility
to uphold our integrity for the peaceful cohesion of this country.
We have learned from the story of Prophet Ibrahim(AS) when he settled with
his family in Mecca. He (AS) supplicated to Allah to grant them means of
stability and peace. It has been mentioned in the Quran (14: 35), "o my Rabb,
make this city [Makkah] Peaceful."
He (as) also prayed to Allah (swt) to make people friendlyand sympathise with
them by supplicating, "so make hearts among the people incline toward
them."In the same verse, he asked Allah to grant thembountiful provision: "and
provide for them from the fruits that they might be grateful."
Respected brothers and sisters at home, the love for one's nation is essential
and without it one cannot build a civilised state. That is why when the Prophet
(saw) moved to Medina, he asked Allah (swt) to make his Companions love it
as much as they love Mecca or even more. He (saw) said, "O Allah, make us
love Medina as much as we love Mecca or even more."
He (saw) also said, "O Allah, bless us in our fruits. Bless us in our city. Bless us
in our Saa (a measure) and bless us in our mudd (a measure). O Allah, Ibrahim
is Your servant, Your Khalil (close friend) and Your Prophet. I am Your servant
and Your Prophet. He prayed to You for Mecca. I pray to You for Medina for
the like of what He prayed to You for Mecca , and the like of it with it."
Take note of this. Our Prophet (saw) considered people's positive feelings
towards their homelands irrespective of their religion.
After arriving at the city of Medina, which was a multicultural and multi
religious city, the first thing he did was to establish foundations for an
interconnected society where people could live peacefully with one another.
Muslims made up only fifteen percent of Medina’s population when Prophet
Mohammad (saw) migrated to the city. The population was otherwise made up
of Arab idol worshippers, members of Jewish tribes, and a few others.
Successfully, he brought a peaceful life to the conflicting tribes through an
important document that he developed in the constitution of Medina, in which
equality between all members of the society, regardless of religion, was
Interestingly, this story illustrates that the Muslims were a small minority in
alargelynon-Muslim community of Medina, the majority were not only their
hosts but selected the Prophet to be the head of this city state. This gives a
clear impression that Mohammad (saw) was a person of good repute and
moral standing, especially in the situation of the awkward and revengeful
nature of medina at the time.Respected brothers and sisters at home.
To fulfil our obligations towards our
nation and protect its rights requires us tostand against those who hold
destructive and distorting thoughts, the like of people who are described in the
Quran as causing corruption in the land who do not amend. They denied all the
good things offered to them and took the evil wayinstead. Allah (swt) says In
Suratul Mulk, verse 22, "then is one who walks fallen on his face better
guided or one who walks upright on a straight path?"
We are shocked and saddened by the incident at Westminster. Fourpeople
were killedandAbout 40 people were injured. We condemn this attack, we
show our solidarity and deepest sympathy for the victims and those affected.
Terrorists are the greatest enemies of Islam and humanity. Those terrorists
who claim the identity of Muslims, they are cursed by Allah, His Prophets and
by all humanity. They are stigmatizing the name of Islam.
So, let us then look forward to seeing this country’s honor held high, its
construction always solid, safe and protected. We should keep in mind that
everyone must shoulder the responsibility of ensuring its security and stability.
One key to stability is to believe in Allah firmly and avoid His prohibitions as He
mentioned in surah(Al Anaam: 82), “They who believe and do not mix their
belief with injustice - those will have security, and they are [rightly] guided.”
In this verse Allah (swt) promises those who have achieved Iman and avoided
disobedience to bestow upon them safety and security.
May Allah protect this nation from all the evils that make divisions and hatred
amongst them and may He grant keeping the stability for this country and
protect the dignity of the peace makers.